
Friday, 17 January 2014

Makeup Expiration: What is the shelf life of your cosmetics?

Hello you makeup junkies out there, the ones who have a stock pile or even those with only one lip gloss and mascara, Throwing your favorite makeup can be a lot worse than a heartbreak but today is the day you need to start going trough those cosmetics, and making a very important step in cleaning out those germ filled mascara tubes! This is one of the most committed beauty sins, as I have yet to meet the first woman who throws out her makeup when the time comes and the fact that these little bottles of addiction comes without an expiration date kinda makes us happy. We just can't seem to let go of our beloved and very expensive products after just 4-5 months months. It just hurts so bad :'(

 Mascara is a breeding ground for various eye infections, including pinkeye, and sties. Have you recently had sensitive, itchy, irritated eyes? Check your makeup! You have to get rid of it after 6 months, some even say 3. When in doubt, throw it out!

 Lipsticks starts to loose texture when it's gone bad. Toss it out after 2-3 years, and even though it seems like a long time, it's said that women tend to keep their lipsticks for up to 7 years! Eeek! Food has expiration dates, and people don't think twice to trow it out when it's gone bad, why should cosmetics be any different? The makeup you put on your face should be as fresh as the food you consume.

Liquid eyeliners is just as dangerous as mascara. Once it goes bad, usually 6-8 months, it's sayonara!

Face powders, Blush, Bronzer & Eyeshadows last up to 3 years. Since it's almost impossible to finish blush, (unless you're a makeup artist),  have a longer shelf life, and are lower risk for growing bacteria as it has little to no water at all. As with all cosmetics, it should be tossed within 2 years. You will notice powders become very dry and difficult to blend when it get older, don't try to fix it, just let it go.

 Foundation/ Concealers are good for up to 1-2 year. Not only does it harbor bacteria that you will then be applying to your face, but it also will become thick, making for an uneven application. This is a recipe for disaster. To extend the shelf life of your foundation a little bit longer, buy the ones that come with a pump or in a squeeze bottle. You want to avoid contamination, if you are having to put your fingers in the container, it will only shorten the lifespan of your makeup.

Lipgloss should be tossed after 2 year. It's also important to keep them in a cool dry place.

Don't buy more than needed for a full year, it's nice to have a little collection, but remember to keep rotating them, buying new and getting rid of the old.
Just remember to keep your makeup fresh, this will keep your skin looking and feeling healthy!

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